Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Food Intolerances Don't Have to be Forever...A Healthy Gut is Possible!

Food intolerances can manifest themselves in many ways.  Loose stools, eczema, breathing problems, constant ear infections, behavior problems are just to name a few.  Our son's food intolerances manifested themselves in chronic loose stools.

Almost 14 months after our journey began of clean eating, a lot has changed with our second son who dealt with chronic loose stools.  In a nutshell, his body is healing!  I initially tried to figure things out on my own, and that only led so far.  Then out of desperation, talking with lots of people, and praying, we found an incredible doctor in another state who did some testing on Knox to find out the exact culprits, heard his whole story, and developed a plan for him.  People come to see this man from all over, and I know why.  This doctor truly is the best of both worlds.  He is a traditional medical doctor, but he also uses age-old, natural methods.  He treats the whole person and looks for the underlying cause. 

After seeing this doctor, a plan was developed, and our son began avoiding the foods he was supposedly "intolerant" to for a while and then we began a rotation diet.  He also took a probiotic.  Things did get better, but not to the degree I wanted.  I knew I could not keep this up forever- our son was declared "intolerant" to 29 foods.  Chicken, coconut oil, eggs, are just to name a few. 

Out of desperation, I began reading again.  There has to be something I can do to help heal his gut.  All I had found so far was avoidance, and to be quite honest, that was getting old fast!  I hated cooking two different meals and knew that this could not go on forever…surely!  In my searching, I found a book entitled Natural Solutions for Food Allergies and Intolerances: Scientifically Proven Remedies for Food Sensitivities and I ordered it.  Here is the link that describes the book: http://www.realnatural.org/natural-solutions-for-food-allergies-and-food-intolerances/   This book was exactly what I hoped for- I wanted our son to be able to eat like every other child.  I wanted his bowels to be normal.  Of course, I want him to always choose healthy foods, but if he goes to someone’s house, I don’t want to have to pack a special allergen free lunch. 

After reading the book, I actually contacted the author Dr. Case Adams sending all of our son’s labs, etc. and he wrote back.  I was shocked.   I have written quite a few authors and none but this man has ever written me back.   Dr. Case Adams is also a naturopath.  We corresponded via email and then set up a phone appointment.  I left this phone call so hopeful.  He read through all the labs and made a specific plan for our son's body to heal, which included supplements, a lot of different strands of probiotics, and helped me with his diet, along with many other things.  His plan was for healing to occur.  He was our family's answer to prayer!  I began anew on May 1st. 

On the Bristol Stool Chart, which is a chart that clearly shows healthy vs. unhealthy stools http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/02/14/normal-stool.aspx,  our son’s stools ranged from 4 to 7 initially when our journey first began well over a year ago, and then once we saw the doctor in another state and began avoiding foods, his stools ranged form 4 to 6 with most of them landing on 6.  I wanted them to be all 4’s, but also learned that 3’s and 5’s are okay too! 

Our son’s stools are now predominantly 4’s, which means they are formed logs!!  We are adding foods back in and he is tolerating them.  We have many more foods to add back in, but his gut is healing!  The evidence is in the potty daily for the most part! :) My life is changing and so is his.  It is so cute.  He has always had to show me his stool so that I could record it.  Mind you, he is only 3 ½.  He will clap and say sometimes, “Mama, Jesus is healing my belly.”  I say, “Yes, son, He is and we give Him all the glory!”  He then says in his cute little voice, “Thank you, Jesus!” 

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