Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Sometimes the routine things cause one to halt and ponder and follow an unexpected path

Sometimes the routine things cause one to halt and ponder and follow an unexpected path.  Such was the case for me when I took my then 3 year old to the dentist this past winter.  The dentist spoke the words 'enamel erosion' rather casually.  I, on the other hand, wanted as many answers as he could give.  I wanted to know how to prevent the problem and how to remedy the problem to avoid the crowns and fillings he spoke of.  He was very gracious, but basically told me it was similar to a 'birth defect' and nothing could be done. 

I got home and started researching.   Maybe I couldn't do anything, but I have been told way too many times that something was hopeless and in the end it was not.  I was going to put in all my efforts to help her teeth.   I found many hopeful stories.  I spent time reading http://www.mommypotamus.com/how-i-reversed-my-daughters-tooth-decay/ by mommypotamus.  I also looked at http://wellnessmama.com/3650/remineralize-teeth/ by wellnessmama.  I also messaged Mary Kury whom I have the utmost respect for.   http://www.upstatebirth.com/ is her business and she also owns Rooted Releaf, which you can check out here https://www.facebook.com/Rooted-Releaf-1206151532746373/ on her facebook page. 

After reading these sights and talking with Mary, I realized our daughter's expressive language struggles and her teeth may be connected because of an undiagnosed lip and/or tongue tie.  I had heard of babies dealing with this but at the time never a toddler.  My child nursed easily and had no feeding issues, yet she was severely delayed in her expressive language.  While she had progressed and was motivated to talk once we remedied the problem of her sucking on her fingers, she still had so much room to improve.  I immediately scheduled a consultation with a lactation specialist qualified to diagnose tongue and lip ties that Mary recommended.  Even though our daughter had finished nursing for quite some time now, this was the place to go first where I did not have to pay. This lactation specialist immediately diagnosed her with both a lip and tongue tie.  Prior to this visit, I had our daughter evaluated by her at the time speech therapist to see if she had a lip and/or tongue tie that could be causing the erosion of her enamel.  The woman barely looked in her mouth and said rather quickly that she saw no evidence of a tongue tie. 

After meeting with the lactation specialist, I was connected with a phenomenal speech therapist specializing in this very thing named Afhton who took me by the hand and led me down the path for laser surgery and rehabilitation and speech theraphy.  The laser surgery was performed by a preferred provider she recommended.  Last month our daughter had the surgery.  The dentist said our little one had a very severe lip tie as he had to do much more cutting that normal.  Daily, 6 times to be exact, I had to stretch the incision on her lip and tongue so it did not grow back beginning the night of the surgery.  Afhton, her speech therapist, allowed me to come in daily until I mastered the stretch.  I did it wrong the first couple days thinking I was doing it right, so Afhton had to stretch her mouth really well as the places started to grow back.  She modeled how to stretch correctly and then watched me.  I used a homeopathic tongue tie tincture for pain the first two days and lots of treats (fruit popsicles and vitamin C lollipops from Whole Foods). Our daughter complained a lot the first day and was basically held by her grandmother the whole day.  From the second day on, she only complained during stretches. 

Two weeks post surgery, she was told by the dentist it healed perfectly.  Thanks be to God!  I ended stretches 17 days from surgery. 

Our daughter is currently undergoing speech therapy to regain her mouth strength and learn to pronounce things as you and I do.  She understands everything and speaks freely and unhindered.  Our immediate family understands her mostly, but those outside our family have a hard time unless the context of conversation is clear.  Slowly but surely progress is being made!  When I look at her on a daily basis it can seem little progress has been made if any, but when I look back on when this journey began, so much progress has been made.  She is slowly but surely learning to pronounce sounds correctly!  She speaks in choppy multiword sentences most of the time.  There is so much hope.

So thankful for the trip to the dentist where enamel erosion was discovered that lead us down the path of discovering her lip and tongue tie and to a phenomenal speech therapist.  Not all speech therapists are created equal!  We have found the cream of the crop now!

Will this help her teeth and the erosion problem?  I hope so, but I do not know.  For the erosion problem she is on Green Pasture's Blue Butter Blend/ Cod Liver Oil, which I read will help the issue. 
Ultimately, our prayer is that God would loosen her tongue and for clear speech to flow forth and declare his praises!
Update on enamel issue:  It was first brought to my attention she had an enamel issue in Feb.  It is now mid May and she had a dentist appointment.  Today it was only noted on one tooth instead of a couple and on the one tooth it has not gotten any worse!  I take that as huge encouragement!


  1. I love this story and I'm so thankful for all the different parts that God brought together for that sweet girl's good! Thankful for your tireless work and research on her behalf, and all the wonderful connections he set in motion for you. :o)

  2. Thank you, Laurie, for your encouragement! Grateful for your friendship and the way you have also played a part in her story.
