Thursday, August 25, 2016

Urinary Track Infections- prevention and treatment

So I learned a new thing and wanted to share as I am prone to urinary track infections in pregnancy.  I had four confirmed infections with our first, none with our second, two with our third, none with our fourth, and threatening ones with our fifth.

A few weeks ago at my 28 week appointment, my urine was smelling funky yet I had no other symptoms, so my midwife recommended a urine sample at the ob's office since I already had an appointment planned that day to get my rhogham shot. When the urine sample was examined, leukocytes were found and an antibiotic recommended.  Upon speaking to the nurse practitioner, I asked if she would send my urine off for a culture and in the meantime let me treat it naturally.  I was warned that if any other symptoms developed such as fever, back pain, etc. to call in immediately and get on an antibiotic.  I agreed.

This particular nurse practitioner ended up being well schooled in natural interventions for UTIs as her daughter deals with urinary track infections on a regular basis.  She recommended Dmannos as this supplement deals with ecoli which is the cause of most infections along with cranberry juice (the expensive kind in a glass bottle such as Lakewood), tons and tons of water-100 ounces- to flush my system, and probiotics.

I went to Earthfare and got my supplies.

I noticed my urine smelling better within a couple days and never developed any other symptoms.  As a result, I once again let my water intake slide to the bare minimum. I can be so bad at staying hydrated.  Two weeks later when my urine was sampled at my next appointment leukocytes were found again.  I was monitored again and told to flush my system with 100 ounces a day for 3 days and then 80 ounces daily. When I returned to have my urine checked, it looked normal once more.

All to say, for me, prevention is staying hydrated.  My midwife also recommend cranberry capsules daily.  For me treatment is dmannos (the supplement pictures above is superb), cranberry juice, and tons of fluids as long as I catch it early and am not full-blown as urinary tract infections can cause serious consequences left untreated in pregnancy.

Have you struggled with UTIS ever? Anything worked for you?

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